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Hermes Capital Group

Hermes Capital Group is the new business acquisition team for the companies we underwrite. We works directly with our clients to assess their goals and priorities. Our business specialists identify the best structures and solutions based on specific information about your organization and delivers an action plan to reach your goals.

As the acquisition arms for Hermes, our team works with our clients to assess goals and priorities so that the company financing is structured specifically for the needs of the moment.

HCG is actively involved in the Capital Market on a daily basis.

Our in-depth experience in all aspects of multi-tranche and lower middle market finance can help you. We focus on sound investment structures, with a competence in a wide range of enterprises and asset classes.  We provide our clients with monetization and commercialization strategies that bring win-win results.

Hermes handles financial transactions such as loans, equity financing, and other capital placements.

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The geographical diversity of our clients, gives us a unique cross-industry perspective that enables us to be a true “front-line” collaborator in evaluating and developing a company’s sustainable strategy for growth or turnaround that paves the road to success.Spencer Beck
If your company is seeking club deal finance (with a lower overall interest rate, and less restrictive covenants) to replace an existing syndicated loan, or if you would simply like a "no obligation" analysis to ascertain competitive interest rates and prospective covenant structures, please do not hesitate to contact us.D. Baxter Todd


Sale-Leaseback Finance

In today's financial economy, corporate financial objectives can be limited by the lack of access, use or allocation of capital. Corporate-owned real estate can be costly and erode profits. However, real estate assets can be used to unlock shareholder equity.

Sale-leaseback transactions are an alternative method for raising capital. A sale-leaseback transaction allows a property to be sold and immediately leased back to the seller. After the transaction the seller is able to make use of the property in a more productive way. Tenants profit from the sale, while retaining full operating control of the property.

Hermes Capital Group utilizes intellectual property to structure a 1031 exchange within a Sale Leaseback structure so that the seller of the real estate, through the commitment of the lease, can defer the tax just as if they were purchasing the real estate.
It can be a lucrative option for companies seeking to:

- Defer Tax

- Unlock working capital bound by rel estate ownershp.

- Enable off-balance sheet financing

- Increase financial ratios.

- Look to finance growth.

- Make an acquisition.

- Pay down a debt.

- Reallocate capital into more productive uses.


Sale-leaseback financing is more than just a cost-effective alternative to investing in commercial real estate. It's a capital management tool that allows corporations to use and control essential real estate without employing vast sums of debt and equity capital in an ill liquid, poorly perceived asset class. Properly executed, a sale-leaseback transaction can:

- Unlock corporate capital trapped in under-performing real estate.

- Provide longer-term capital (15-25 years) than is available from traditional debt source.s

- Result in off-balance sheet treatment for generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) purposes.

- Improve working capital, balance sheet strength and financial position of the business.

A sale-leaseback monetizes a company’s real estate assets, freeing up capital to invest in its higher-returning core business, or pay a dividend to shareholders. It can also be a lucrative option for companies buying back corporate stock, looking to finance growth, make an acquisition, pay down a debt or simply reallocate capital into more productive uses.

Hermes has a deep expertise in IRC Sec 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange Sales Lease Back Finance.

If your company is considering Sale-Leaseback Finance, or if you would simply like a "no obligation" analysis to ascertain competitive sale-leaseback terms and structures, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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New Club Deal

The current economic landscape demands more flexibility in financing for many lower middle market companies. Indeed, relying on just one type of lender or credit facility often does not provide the result required in financing options.

As dynamic shifts in the economy continue, Hermes answers the need for more flexible financing options.

Our new Club Deal finance provides an evolution for our clients, delivering more than money. We focus on finding the right financial partner, with the right expertise in a particular sector to fully serve borrower needs.

Hermes Capital Partners has in depth expertise in this new form of “club deal,” working and coordinating with banks, non-banks and alternative lenders on behalf of lower middle-market client companies (across all industries) throughout the Western United States.

Are you looking for lower interest rates? Do you seek less restrictive covenants? Contact us and get our FREE Evaluation.

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Alternative Finance

The shift in the global landscape requires alternative financing sources for lower middle market companies seeking to finance growth, acquisitions, or recapitalization due to regulatory constraints and prevailing market factors conditions.

While banks are no longer the primary lender of choice in many areas, “non-banks” and other “alternative” lenders have stepped in and Hermes is one of the companies whose financial expertise can bring answers to your organization.

Working with an innovative lender like Hermes is essential for lower middle market companies to get the flexibility they need to compete and grow and even succeed... Hermes Capital Group has provided flexible alternative financing through active innovative structures in the marketplace since 2006.

We can bring viable solutions to traditional lending models, and open efficient and ancillary channels of finance.

We can provide shareholders and companies unique opportunities for change while offering a degree of consistency. A properly structured transaction can enhance current liquidity and future capital appreciation for business owners.

Recapitalization can empower companies with the opportunity to grow in new directions while ensuring that the current management team remains in place.

Hermes Capital Group is experienced in all phases of the management buyout/recapitalization process.

HCG works not only with routine restructuring transactions, but have also provided advisory services in reorganization and distressed debt trading.

We bring a unique understanding to how best structure your type of transaction.

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